
Mobile Dev - Flutter, iOS

Helping startups build pretty apps at breakneck speeds.


  • MVP - Minimal Viable Product to show investors the data collected, key features, etc.
    • Fastest MVP was done in exactly 18 hours over a weekend.
  • From mockups to full-fledged app.
    • Typical flow: Stakeholder interviews -> Lo-Fi Prototypes -> Feedback -> Hi-Fi Prototypes -> Feedback -> Beta -> Testing -> Clean up -> App released.
  • Packages that range from complete UI libraries to enhanced logging and or authentication solutions.
  • Flutter to Native and vice versa (iOS primarily).

Flutter Favorites

  • Bloc and Hydrated Bloc - For state management.
  • GoRouter - No comment needed.
  • Pigeon - For interoperability.
  • Patrol - For testing.
    • Mocktail - For mocks.
  • fl_chart - For stunning charts.
  • json_serializer - Customizability makes it much better than most alternatives tested.

Edge - App Contribution

  • Overhauled an existing health wearable app to give it a more sleek and modernized UI that is also more informative than the old solution.
    • Includes crafting widgets and charts that are not only great for REST data but also near real-time wearable MQTT data.
  • Interoperability of Flutter<>Native (iOS primarily) additions (minor contribution).

Data Lab - App, MVP

  • MVP created in 18 hours over a single weekend in time for an investor meeting.
  • App showcases a newly built developer API and the wearable’s data collection capabilities.

Cogni - Package

  • Helped build a custom authentication solution using JWT tokens after struggles with AWS Amplify.

Study Logger - App

  • Clinical studies app wherein enrolled subjects can log a multitude of tasks about their daily activities while using the client’s wearable.
  • Delivered a complete app from a concept, UI/UX prototypes, to a delivered app and maintenance.
  • Testing with code coverage over 98%.

Research Editor - App

An app that allows the client’s researchers to conduct studies with communication between multiple apps through iOS app groups.

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